❗️NEW❗️真丸 姆明一族 ★ 阿美 全棉印花大浴巾 - 橙色鬱金香 (葡萄牙製) (大人兒童適用 / 海灘、游水、洗澡用均可)



🔺可愛優雅的亞美圖案! 🔺抽褶提花型及100% 純棉製成,觸感柔軟,吸水力好 💦 🔺喜歡Little My的大人、小朋友一定不能錯過! ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ■ 顏色:如圖 ■ 尺寸:約50 x 100cm ■ 質料:全棉 ■ 產地:葡萄牙 🔺A towel with cute and elegant Little My and friends! 🔺Made with 100% Cotton and the shirring jacquard type has excellent water absorption and texture. 💦 🔺Adults and Kids who love Little My MUST HAVE this! ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ■ Color : as shown ■ Size : about 50 x 100cm ■ Material: 100% Cotton ■ Origin:Portugal

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