Sofy 極ぴたFIT 透氣棉款 i女性生理用品 生理褲 (生理期用底褲) (深灰色,中碼) Ladies Extreme Fit Breathable Cotton Type Sanitary Shorts (Grey Colour, M Size)

【Size 尺寸】



合身與柔軟舒適,兼具 - 光滑的棉布具有出色的透氣性和彈性,手感柔軟。 它不容易悶。 Sofy生理褲的防漏「超完美貼合結構」 - 將衛生巾完美貼合的雙層結構可防止滲漏! - 可與帶護翼的衛生巾一起使用,您不必擔心從外面看到它或弄髒衣物。 襠部配備防水布料 容易去除污垢,洗滌變得輕而易舉 ※ 請留意:布料本身不具有吸收經血的能力。


  •  合身與柔軟舒適,兼具
    - 光滑的棉布具有出色的透氣性和彈性,手感柔軟。 它不容易悶。
  • Sofy生理褲的防漏「超完美貼合結構」
    - 將衛生巾完美貼合的雙層結構可防止滲漏!
    - 可與帶護翼的衛生巾一起使用,您不必擔心從外面看到它或弄髒衣物。
  • 襠部配備防水布料
  • 容易去除污垢,洗滌變得輕而易舉

※ 請留意:布料本身不具有吸收經血的能力。


■ 包裝尺寸:94X181X25mm
■ 包裝重量:約46g
■ 產地:泰國


主體面料:90% 棉,10% 聚氨酯




・本商品顏色較深,可能會掉色。 請勿與白色或淺色衣物一起洗滌,也不要長時間弄濕。

★ 洗滌注意事項



  • Fit and soft comfort, both
    - Smooth cotton with excellent breathability and stretch, soft to the touch. It doesn't get stuffy easily.
  • Leak-proof "Ultra fit structure" of Sofy sanitary pants
    - The double layer construction that holds the pads together perfectly prevents leaks!
    - Can be used with pads with wings, you don't have to worry about seeing it from the outside or staining your clothes.
  • Crotch with waterproof fabric
  • Easily removes dirt, making washing a breeze

※ Please note: The fabric itself does not have the ability to absorb menstrual blood.


■ Packing size: 94X181X25mm
■ Package weight: about 46g
■ Origin: Thailand

【Material Composition】

Body: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyurethane
Lace part: nylon, polyurethane
Waterproof part: Polyurethane laminate

【Hip Size】

Medium size (M): 87-95cm
Large size (L): 92-100cm


・Rinse well after washing.
・Because soft material is used, please be careful not to get caught in anything when washing or putting on and taking off.
・This item is dark in color and may fade. Do not wash with white or light-colored clothing, and do not leave it wet for a long time.
・No chlorine bleach, weak dehydration

★ Washing Precautions
・Weak squeeze.
・Use a laundry net.

