OSAMU GOODS Indoor Slippers 原田治氏作品 可愛波點圖案 家居拖鞋【RED 紅色】



🔺 原田治是80年代的人氣插畫家 🔺 圖案可愛,非常適合在家放鬆! 🔺 質料厚薄適中,一年四季都適合穿著 ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ■ 顏色:如圖 ■ 尺寸:約H28×W22×D7.5cm ■ 適用腳尺寸:M SIZE(最大約24.5cm) ■ 產地:中國 ⚠️ 注意 請務必為父母閱讀此內容。 ● 包裝袋可能會導致窒息,因此請將其放在兒童接觸不到的地方並丟棄。 ● 包含小零件。 切勿將其提供給 3 歲以下的幼兒,因為存在意外攝入的風險。 ● 請避免顛簸、搖擺等粗暴的搬運,或用力等不合理的搬運。 ● 由於材料的特性,部分纖維可能會脫落。 ● 本產品僅供室內覆蓋。 ● 如果受潮、出汗或摩擦,顏色可能會褪色或弄髒(轉移)。 請注意不要接觸淺色物體。 ● 避免穿著尺寸不正確的產品,因為它們可能會導致您跌倒或受傷。 ● 請注意,它可能會在地板等光滑的地板材料上或在潮濕或有很多邊界的地板上滑動。 ● 走路時注意不要跌倒或絆倒。 ● 遠離火源和高溫物體。 ● 請避免洗滌,因為它可能會導致變形。 如果它變髒,請用水或蘸有稀釋中性洗滌液的布輕拍。 🔺 HARADA OSAMU is a popular illustrator in the 80s. 🔺 Cute pattern, perfect for relaxing at home! 🔺 The material is moderate in thickness and suitable for wearing all year round. ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ◡̈⃝ ■ Color: as shown ■ Size: About H28×W22×D7.5cm ■ Applicable foot size: M SIZE (up to about 24.5cm) ■ Place of production: China ⚠️ Caution Please be sure to read this for parents. ● The package bag may cause suffocation, so keep it out of the reach of small children and dispose of it. ● Contains small parts. Never give it to small children under the age of 3 as there is a risk of accidental ingestion. ● Please refrain from rough handling such as bumping or swinging, or unreasonable handling such as applying strong force. ● Due to the characteristics of the material, some of the fibers may come off. ● This product is for indoor covering only. ● Color may fade or stain (transfer) if it gets wet, sweats, or rubs. Please be careful not to come in contact with light-colored objects. ● Avoid wearing products that are not the correct size as they may cause you to fall or get injured. ● Please note that it may slip on slippery flooring materials such as flooring, or on floors that are wet or have many boundaries. ● Be careful not to fall or trip when walking. ● Keep away from fire and high temperature objects. ● Please avoid washing as it may cause shape loss. If it gets dirty, tap it with water or a cloth dampened with a diluted neutral wash.
